Pass It On: A Kind Word or 2 For You

This may seem like fluff to some of you, but it truly means alot to me. I’ve decided to add this section for me and any other person who might come across it. Sometimes a kind word is all it takes to make a bad day turn into one thats good. It might also be that kind word that touches something in us, and helps us to pass it on.

“You are more than the sum of your past mistakes.”

All some of us need sometimes is a little encouragement, a little positive push. Because sometimes life gets so hard for us, that we fail to see what we truly are and how awesome we are. The Kind words that I  am sharing  today is from one of my favorite song “You are More” By Tenth Avenue North

I especially want to shout this out to a friend of mine, who I believe is so awesome and that god made her for so much more. Only if she would look and just believe in herself.

A kind word, Pass it on.