Pass It On: Come Close and Hold My Heart

Sometimes I feel so insignificant and that no matter how muuch I pray and pray, it only goes so far. I feel as if imt he only one hearing it and it gets no further than my own ears. I feel as if, no matter how much or how long or how loud I pray god wont hear me. So many others are praying, so many others are calling out. And then there are times when I feel as if whatever i did, or whatever is holding me back is so irreversible.

But you know what’s better than getting our problems or our mistakes reversed? Being forgiven for them. being cleansed. Helped. Feeling so irrevocably relieved that the sun is just a little bit brighter and the sky is a little bluer. Feeling as if what ever other problem crops up tomorrow, the next minute or whenever, you can handle it. Feeling so completely refreshed and optimistic that if you smile at a stranger, you share some of your happiness.

The song that inspired this post is “Hold My Heart” by Tenth Avenue North. As always, the lyrics, the melody–pretty much everything–blows me away. Not only does the song signifies with me,  It also helps me to further examine myself, and brings me closer to god. It helps so much. And whomever reads this post, I also hope it helps. Its a really great song.

How long must I pray, must I pray to you?
How long must I wait, must I wait for you?
How long till I see your face, see you shining through?
I’m on my knees, begging you to notice me?
I’m on my knees, father will you turn to me?

One tear in the dropping rain. One voice in a sea of pain.
Could the maker of the stars hear the sound of my breaking heart.
One life is all I am, right now I can barely stand.
If your everything you say you are, would you come close and hold my heart?

I’ve been so afraid, afraid to close my eyes.
So much can slip away, before I say goodbye.
But l if theres no other way, im done asking why.

‘Cause im on my knees, begging you to turn to me.
Im on my knees, father will you run to me?

One tear in the dropping rain. One voice in a sea of pain.
Could the maker of the stars hear the sound of my breaking heart.
One life is all I am, right now I can barely stand.
If your everything you say you are, would you come close and hold my heart.

So many questions without answer, your promises remain.
I cant see but i’ll take my chances, to hear you call my name.
To hear you call my name.

One tear in the dropping rain. One voice in a sea of pain.
Could the maker of the stars hear the sound of my breaking heart.
One life is all I am, right now I can barely stand.
If your everything you say you are, would you come close and hold my heart.


Pass It On: Our Fighting Words

The title, may seem a little agressive, but its not violent. We all go through some really hard times in our lives, really hard, and god is the only one who really knows what we’re going through. In these times, its easy to just give up…but we shan’t do that. We should keep fighting on. Dont let any problem bring us down at all.

I have been the wayward child, I have acted out. I have questioned sovereignty and had my share of doubts. And though sometimes my prayers feel like they’re bouncing off the sky. The hand I hold wont let me go, and is the reason why, I will stumble, I will fall down, but I will not be moved. I will make mistakes, I will face heartaches, but I will not be moved. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, I will not be moved.

“I will not be moved”—By Natalie Grant

This song reminds me of people who get disappointing news from doctors, jobs, or even the college you wanted to go to (difficulties life throws our way) and still they dont give up. They continue to depend on god, and trust in him. Or as the song implies “keep holding on to god’s hand”. I will strive to be this person who holds on to god and know that no matter what difficulties befall me, I will not be moved.

This song is so powerful, and the artist’s exceptional voice emphasizes the amazing words. I dedicaate this songs to parents who have lost, parents who are strugglng, people who have lost, people who are struggling. basically everyone who stumbles and fall. We all do that, so just get back up again and dont let these problems overcome you.